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Infoseite // Creating the look for Netflix’s ‘Tribes of Europa

Frage von Frank Glencairn:

n this exclusive discussion, FilmLight interviews the talent behind the new sci-fi TV series from Netflix. Released on February 19, Tribes of Europa tells the story of three siblings fighting for survival in a future Europe.

Join Colourist Stephan Kuch from PANOPTIMO and DoP Christian Rein as they talk about their long-term creative relationship, as well as their collaboration on Tribes of Europa – from defining the workflow, to creating the look and feel of a Europe in which technology has collapsed and microstates are at war.

The presentation covers:

- An introduction to Tribes of Europa
- The visual concept and look of the show: from shooting to final colour
- Behind the workflow and its technical requirements - including interaction between VFX, on-set dailies, and final look enhancement in post
- Managing the data from on-set to finishing
- Audience Q&A
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Antwort von roki100:

"Frank Glencairn" hat geschrieben:
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