Frage von
What portable camcorder can start recording automatically on movement,
has a Motion sensor?
Antwort von Christian Potzinger:
maltreated the Keyboard with following:
> What portable camcorder can start recording
> automatically on movement, has a Motion sensor?
Some of the Poeple here speak german only,
so i feel free to translate ;)
Welcher tragbare Camcorder startet die Aufnahme
automatisch mittels eingebautem Bewegungssensor?
ryl: GKar
Antwort von Michael Weber: schrieb:
> Hello
> What portable camcorder can start recording automatically on movement,
> has a Motion sensor?
Try this one:
And its free
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Thanks Christian Potzinger!
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Thanks Michael Weber for replying.
I meant a handheld battery-powered cassette or HD camcorder.