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Infoseite // EOS R owners/users: Now that type R model has been out for a while, what is your honest non-fanboy (fanperson) opinion?

Frage von CariceHouten:

I'm a current 6D owner, and I have loved everything the model has offered. But I have been eyeing up the new EOS R as a possible upgrade. I got my first hands on experience today, but wasn't sure if I liked the slide bar function button, also wasn't a huge fan of the adjustment wheel placement but only because it felt different. But I really want to hear what people who have been using this model as their daily driver have to say (read plenty of reviews, but they seem skin deep). Was it hard to adjust to a digital screen vice a mirror? Do you find the pre-shot exposure view very helpful? Any other key details or input you have would be great!


Antwort von freezer:

Danke für das Copy und Paste von 2019: ... _has_been/


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