Frage von luftzugdackel:Hello everyone
a couple of weeks ago I already posted a question regarding different colors / different appearances after importing a PSD File into AFX. While I was able to fix 99% of these interpretation issues I still have another issue to fix - let me quick explain:
1.) I have a PSD File with different layers
2.) Some of these layers have blending modes and the appearance is related to the background image (the very last layer of the PSD File)
3.) Some Layers are grouped and have blend modes
If I import this PSD file into AFX the layers which are grouped will be defined as pre-compositions and so they do not know about the background image. Meaning the blend mode is not working properly. That makes somehow sense to me, because it is simply another composition on another level, but what is the correct way to fix that issue? My solution was to simply put all layers on root level in AFX and to stop using groups on layers with blend modes in PSD IF I want to import that file into AFX. Is that the correct way or how would you handle it?
Thank you for your help and have a great day everyone.