WTF?24'800 x 90 Pixel
Hi Frank, wir müssen eine Bannerwerbung für ein Fussballstadion erstellen ;)Frank Glencairn hat geschrieben: ↑Fr 09 Aug, 2024 11:57WTF?24'800 x 90 Pixel
Abgesehen wundert es mich sowieso, daß 16.384 überhaupt geht - ich dachte immer 16k (15.360) ist das Maximum in Premiere.
Was genau versuchst du da zu machen?
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Erstellen lässt sich die Datei. Exportieren jedoch nicht. Aiaiaiai.
Ich kann mir das nur erklären, dass die irgendwann mal etwas geändert haben.After Effects supports a maximum image size of 30,000x30,000 pixels for importing and rendering files. The size of the image that you can import or export is influenced by the amount of physical RAM available to After Effects. The maximum composition dimensions are also 30,000x30,000 pixels.
Im Notfall könnte man drüber nachdenken, die Sequenz in 16k-Einzelbilder rauszurendern, diese dann mit Topaz auf 25k hochskalieren. Aber dann musste diese 25k-Bildchen mit irgendeiner Software wieder als Video ausspielen...Aber weder kenne ich aus dem Stegreif eine Software, die das kann, und zudem wirds ganz schön fummelig...Topaz Photo AI will upscale your image width and height up to 6x, increasing the image pixels by 36x. The maximum image size it can output is 32,000x32,000 pixels (1024 megapixels).
Sequence size
Video and still-image files you want to import must not be more than the maximum dimensions allowed. The maximum sequence frame size in pixels is 10,240×8,192 (width x height). If you attempt to set one of the Frame Size dimensions higher than this limit in the Sequence Settings dialog box, Premiere Pro resets the value to the maximum.
Still image and movie size
The maximum frame size to import still images and movies is 256 megapixels, with a maximum dimension of 32,768 pixels in either direction. For example, an image that is 16,000×16,000 pixels is acceptable, as is one that is 32,000×8,000, but an image that is 35,000×10,000 pixels cannot be used. ... p/10282011Maximum size depends on the format. Typically lossless formats have larger frame size limits, an image sequence can be anything you like it to be. There are specifications for all compressed formats like MPEG and MP4 that have nothing to do with the AME.
What are you trying to do with your rendered file? If it is for a multiple display setup then you'll have to check with the folks that are playing back the file. Sometimes the only option is to use a specialized encoder to render the final video.