Kommt halt immer auf den jeweiligen Standard an (SMPTE ST 2046-1/SMPTE RP 2046-2), der benutzt wird.
In deinem Fall klingt es allerdings eher nach dem Unterschied zwischen Action Safe und Title Safe.
SMPTE ST 2046-1 defines the Safe Action Area as a rectangle that is 93% of the width and 93% of the height of
the Production Aperture (or 720 x 480 in the case of 480-line formats) and concentric with it. The Safe Title Area
is defined as a rectangle that is 90% of the width and 90% of the height of the Production Aperture (or 720 x 480
in the case of 480-line formats) and concentric with it. Annex C of the Standard provides informative tables
giving the dimensions of these safe areas in terms of lines and pixels for the most commonly used image
formats. Annex D provides example safe area graticules for both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios, as well as a
graticule for 4:3 images using the legacy safe area percentages.
SMPTE RP 2046-2 defines safe areas that should be used when composing 16:9 images that will be presented
on both 4:3 and 16:9 displays. Two example graticules are defined, one for use when the 4:3 image is to be
created by cropping the sides of the 16:9 image and the other for use when the full 16:9 image is to be
presented in a letterbox on the 4:3 display. These are described in the context of the Active Format Description
(AFD) specifications defined in SMPTE ST 2016-1. SMPTE RP 2046-2 defines only 90%, 90% safe areas.
Amendment 1 to SMPTE RP 218 deprecates its use except for formatting of closed captions as defined in CEA708. The exception exists because all receivers deployed in countries that require the use of CEA-708 display captions in a window whose extents are defined by the old 80% width, 80% height safe title area defined in SMPTE RP 218. CEA-708 normatively references SMPTE RP 218. For all other applications, the amended RP directs users to SMPTE ST 2046-1 and SMPTE RP 2046-2
... oder vereinfacht gesagt: Für 16:9 schreibt die SMPTE RP 2046-2 90% vor.
Die Area fängt also bei Pixel 96 horizontal, und bei Pixel (Line) 54 vertikal an.
Sie endet bei Pixel 1824 horizontal und bei Pixel (Line) 1026 vertikal.
Die Area ist also 1728x972 Pixel groß.
In Resolve kannst du die Begrenzungen ändern wie du lustig bist, bei Premiere bin ich schon zu lange raus, nehme aber an daß es da auch geht.
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