Canon kündigt Firmware Updates für C500 II, C300 III, C70, R5C, XF 605, PTZ Cams und neue Control App an

// 14:18 Fr, 3. Nov 2023von

Canon hat soeben ein größeres Firmware Update angekündigt, das in erster Linie der Cinema EOS Produktfamilie – hier konkret der Canon EOS C500 Mark II, C300 Mark III, EOS C70, EOS R5C – aber auch dem XF605 Camcorder, sowie diversen PTZ Kameras (CR-N700, CR-N500, CR-N300, und CR-X300) zu Gute kommen wird. Darüber hinaus hat Canon auch eine neue Multi-Camera Control App angekündigt.

Canon kündigt Firmware Updates für C500 II, C300 III, C70,  R5C, XF 605, PTZ Cams und neue Control App an

Die für viele Canon Cinema EOS User spannendsten neuen Funktionen des Firmware-Updates dürfte die Nachreichung der digitalen Konverter-Funktion (ausgenommen EOS R5C, die diese bereits hat), die höhere Flexibilität bei der File-Benennung bei Proxy-Aufnahmen sowie das Zusammenspiel mit der neuen Canon Multi-Camera Control App sein, mit der bis zu vier Kameras von einem iOS Gerät via WiFi remote bedient werden können (Recording Start und Stop, Docus, Zoom und Blende, ND Filter, ISO, Shutter, White Balance und Custom Picture Controls).

Darüber hinaus erhalten die mit RF-Mount ausgestatteten Canon Cinema EOS Kameras Support für das ebenfalls (kürzlich hier vorgestellte, spektakuläre Canon RF 24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z Zoom

Canon kündigt Firmware Updates für C500 II, C300 III, C70,  R5C, XF 605, PTZ Cams und neue Control App an

Hier die wichtigsten Neuerungen im Detail der für Dezember zum freien Download angekündigten Canon Firmware-Updates – nach Kamera / Device aufgeschlüsselt:

EOS C500 Mark II/ EOS C300 Mark III

- Adds a Digital Tele-converter.

Supports camera control from the new RC-IP1000 Remote Camera Controller.

Adds flexibility with file naming conventions on proxy files, which enhances compatibility with non-linear editing software systems.

Enhancements to the vector scope will now enable display of the vector color and color-space on screen.

Adds compatibility with the CN-E31.5-95mm Flex Zoom Lens


- Adds a Digital Tele-converter.

- Supports camera control from the new RC-IP1000 Remote Camera Controller.

- Adds flexibility with file naming conventions on proxy files, which enhances compatibility with non-linear editing software systems.

- Adds compatibility with the RF24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z lens with Power Zoom Adapter and the RF Prime series of cinema lenses.

- Adds compatibility with Canon’s Super 35mm Flex Zoom lenses.


- Adds flexibility with file naming conventions on proxy files, which enhances compatibility with non-linear editing software systems.

- Enhancements to the vector scope will now enable display of the vector color and color-space on screen.

- Adds frame display function while recording.

- Adds compatibility with the RF24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z lens with Power Zoom Adapter and the RF Prime Cinema Lenses.

- Adds compatibility with Canon’s Super 35mm Flex Zoom lenses.

- Adds improvements to the camera’s photo mode.


-Adds support for SRT protocol.

-Adds file recording in XF-AVC Full HD 25 megabits per second format.

-Proxy file recording in MP4 16 megabits per second when in XF-AVC Full HD 25 format.

-Adds chunk recording and continuous playback of multiple clips.

-Adds flexibility with file naming conventions on proxy files, which enhances compatibility with non-linear editing software systems.

-Supports camera control from the new RC-IP1000 Remote Camera Controller.


CR-N700, CR-N500, CR-N300, and CR-X300

-Preset and Trace thumbnails have been added to help make the cameras more intuitive to control by adding visual thumbnails for both presets and for recorded trace movements in the camera’s user interface and in the latest version of the Remote Camera Control Application.

-Option for Still image display between presets helps to enhance a user’s viewing experience by eliminating any distracting video while the camera is moving from one preset to another.

-SRT adaptive bitrate enables stable video distribution in accordance with the network environment and available bandwidth.

-Multiple Free-D protocol destinations which can be helpful for shooting in virtual production environments with multiple image processors.

-Partial restore option allows for partial settings restoration so that items such as baseline video settings can be restored from a backup, while infrastructure items such as networking configuration and administrator credentials can be retained.

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