Frage von pillepalle:Es gibt ein neues Firmware-Update für den Ninja. Endlich haben wir auch Frame Guides für die Sozialen Medien :) Daneben gab's noch ein paar andere Neuerungen:
New features
Frame Guides for Social Media:
- Addition of new Social media focused frame guide with action and graphic safe areas.
• 1:1 (Square aspect ratio) (Instagram and Facebook)
• 4:5 (Portrait, vertical aspect ratio) (Instagram)
• 1.91:1 (Landscape, horizontal aspect ratio) (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)
• 9:16 (Portrait, vertical aspect ratio) (Instagram Stories/Instagram TV and Snapchat)
Addition of 9 Grid overlay
- Providing the ability to utilise the rule of thirds theory for image composition.
False colour
- IRE % labelling added to false colour scale
Ability to specify input Luminance range for HDMI, for increased compatibility with devices
outputting legal range YUV signals in Rec.709
- The Input menu option allows for the HDMI input to be set to ‘Legalize ON/OFF’
Rolling File naming
- Ability to maintain a continuous rolling file naming structure following formatting of a drive
- An option provided to turn this function on and off
Addition of Anamorphic de-squeeze modes:
- 1.8 x Providing the ability to de-squeeze lenses such as Cooke Anamorphic/I lenses,
in both standard and Special Flair (SF) versions.
- 1.25x Providing the ability to de-squeeze lenses such as Ultra Panavision 70 and Panavision Ultra Panatar lenses.
• A refinement to Nikon RAW image, where in some instances a blue pixel would appear in the last line of
the frame.
• Improvements to AtomX SDI module where for some SDI inputs would occasionally not lock.